Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science
For more information on the respective courses, search in u:find or contact the Directorate of Studies.
Summer semester 2024
- 210011 PS BAK3: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (with Paul Dunshirn)
- 210146 SE M11: Forschungspraktikum - Conducting Research on Global Environmental Agreement-Making (engl.) (with Alice Vadrot)
- 300193 RV SILENT SPRING - Das sechste Massensterben von Arten: Ursachen und Konsequenzen (with Alice Vadrot)
- 210020 UE BAK4: Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (with Paul Dunshirn)
Winter semester 2023/24
- 210001 VO STEOP: BAK1.1. Grundlagen sozialwissenschaftlicher Methodologie (with Katharina T. Paul)
- 210096 VO M1a: Politikwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (with Katharina T. Paul)
- 210101 UE M2: Politikwissenschaftliche Methoden (english) (with Paul Dunshirn)
Summer semester 2023
- 210016 UE BAK4: Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung - (english) (with Paul Dunshirn)
- 210066 VO BAK10: SpezialVO Internationale Politik und Entwicklung - Ocean Politics and the Future of Marine Biodiversity Governance (with Alice Vadrot)
- 210012 VO BAK4: Themenbereich Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (with Barbara Prainsack)
- 210148 SE M13: Masterseminar (with Barbara Prainsack)
Winter semester 2022/23
- LK BAK7: Comparative Political Analysis (with Paul Dunshirn)
- VO M4: SpezialVO International Politics and Development: International Biodiversity Politics: Institutions, Actors, Power Relations (with Alice Vadrot)
- LK BAK7: Comparative Political Analysis (with Seliem El-Sayed)
- UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (with Katharina Paul)
Summer semester 2022
- VO Health. A society in crisis? (with Barbara Prainsack)
- VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences (with Barbara Prainsack)
- SE M13: Seminar for MA (with Barbara Prainsack)
- UE BAK4: Empirical research using qualitative methods (with Paul Dunshirn)
- UE BAK17b.1: Political Science in practice: International environmental politics: research object and career path (with Alice Vadrot)
- RV Silent Spring - sixth mass extinction of species: reasons and consequences (with Alice Vadrot)
- UE BAK4: Empirical research using qualitative methods (with Seliem El-Sayed)
- SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar (with Lukas Schlögl)
Winter semester 2021/22
- SE M7: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses: The unconditional basic income (BGE) as a policy instrument in an international comparison (with Barbara Prainsack)
- VO M1a: Basics of Political Science (with Barbara Prainsack)
- UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (with Barbara Prainsack)
- LK BAK7: Comparative Political Analysis (with Seliem El-Sayed)
- VO Comparative Policy Analysis in the context of current societal challenges: The future of work (with Lukas Schlögl)
- UE Qualitative Comparative Research (with Lukas Schlögl)
- SE VM1 / VM2 - Global drug policy and social inequality under surveillance capitalism (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- PS BAK3: Introduction to Scientific Work (with Paul Dunshirn)
- SE M11: FOP Research Practice: Global inequalities in the making of a new marine biodiversity agreement (with Alice Vadrot)
Summer semester 2021
- SE BAK13: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses: Technology - Work - Solidarity (with Lukas Schlögl)
- SE M7: State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses: It's the technology, stupid! Policy and the 'Future of Work' (with Lukas Schlögl)
- UE BAK4: Empirical research using qualitative methods (with Seliem El-Sayed)
- SE BAK10: International Politics and Development: Global Environmental Politics: Theory, Methods and Practice (with Alice Vadrot)
- RV Silent Spring - sixth mass extinction of species: reasons and consequences (with Alice Vadrot)
- KU Sex work and the illicit drug economy: implications of prohibition and the COVID-19 pandemic (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- LK BAK8: International Politics (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- SE VM1 / VM2 - Global drug policy and social inequality under surveillance capitalism (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences (with Barbara Prainsack)
- SE M11: Research Practice: Income, Gender, Climate: New and old divisions in politics, economy, and society (with Barbara Prainsack)
- SE M13: Seminar for MA (with Barbara Prainsack)
- VO The Social and the Corona-Crisis: Current research on the social consequences of the pandemic (with Barbara Prainsack)
Winter semester 2020/21
- SE BAK15: East European Studies: Digital Transformations in Eastern Europe (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar (with Meropi Tzanetakis)
- SE M11: FOP Research Practice: Global inequalities in the making of a new marine biodiversity agreement (with Alice Vadrot)
- UE Qualitative Comparative Research (with Lukas Schlögl)
- VO Comparative Policy Analysis in the context of current societal challenges: The future of work (with Lukas Schlögl)
- VO M1a: Basics of Political Science (with Barbara Prainsack)
- UE M2: Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (with Barbara Prainsack)
Summer semester 2020
- SE M11: Research Practice: Income, Gender, Climate: New and old divisions in politics, economy, and society (with Barbara Prainsack)
- FK Cooperation, cohesion, solidarity: Prosocial practices and institutions (with Barbara Prainsack)
- VO BAK4: Subject area Qualitative methods in the empirical social sciences (with Barbara Prainsack)
- VO BAK10: SpezialVO International Politics and Development: Ocean Politics (with Alice Vadrot)
- RV Silent Spring - sixth mass extinction of species: reasons and consequences (with Alice Vadrot)
- SE BAK13 State Activity, Policy and Governance Analyses: Technology - Work - Solidarity (with Lukas Schlögl)
- SE BAK18: Bachelor's Seminar (with Lukas Schlögl)
- LK BAK8: International Politics (with Meropi Tzanetakis)