Photo by Mahdis Mousavi /
This Research Platform brought together researchers from the social sciences, law, and operations research to study and improve the governance of digital practices.
Digital practices refer to all social, political, scientific and economic practices that create, use, or modify digital technologies. Our focus on the governance of digital practices enabled us to analyse both how digital practices themselves are shaped and regulated, and how people, places and populations are governed through digital practices.
The platform’s doctoral projects followed this approach. They did so by exploring the governance of digital mental health care, the FAIR data principles, and data-intensive scientific practices in marine biology. Our affiliate doctoral researchers focused on ethics in computational social sciences, on the digitisation of education and the right to personal development of children, and on the governance of digital health platforms.
Members of the platform worked on analytic and normative questions related to knowledge work, digital platforms and digital health. They studied the factors that give shape to digital practices and also worked towards developing new solutions for governing digital practices.
This is particularly important in cases where digital practices lead to inequities, exclusion or discrimination. At the same time, good governance of digital practices has the potential to enhance equity and strengthen democracy.
The Research Platform addressed a number of key challenges in digital governance through interdisciplinary projects conducted and supervised by members or affiliates of the platform. The projects were:
Doctoral projects
Doctoral Project 1
Knowledge-intensive human work in the age of digital transformation
Host Department: Science and Techology Studies @ Faculty of Social Sciences
Supervision: Ulrike Felt & Barbara Prainsack
Pre-doc: Rasmus Kvaal Wardemann
Doctoral Project 2
Governing common resources via digital platforms
Host Department: Political Science @ Faculty of Social Sciences
Supervision: Alice Vadrot & Immanuel Bomze
Pre-doc: Paul Dunshirn
Doctoral Project 3
Digital health care governance and privacy
Host Department: Innovation and Digitalisation in Law @ Faculty of Law
Supervision: Nikolaus Forgó & Barbara Prainsack
Pre-doc: Elisabeth Steindl
Affiliated doctoral projects
Affiliated Project 1
The Ethics and Governance of Computational Social Science
Host Department: Political Science @ Faculty of Social Sciences
Supervision: Barbara Prainsack
Pre-doc: Seliem El-Sayed
Affiliated Project 2
Governing digital health platforms as spaces of healthcare provision
Host Department: Innovation and Digitalisation in Law @ Faculty of Law
Supervision: Nikolaus Forgó & Barbara Prainsack
Pre-doc: Saskia Kaltenbrunner
Affiliated Project 3
Personalisation for Personal Development? Governance of Digital Education in Germany and Austria
Host Department: Innovation and Digitalisation in Law @ Faculty of Law
Supervision: Nikolaus Forgó & Barbara Prainsack
Pre-doc: Theresa Henne
Third-party funded projects
Third-party funded project 1
Work & Corona (WoCo)
Principal investigator: Lukas Schlögl (until 07/2022); Fabian Kalleitner (since 07/2022)
Funded by: Digifonds AK Wien
Lifetime: 06/2021 - 05/2023
Third-party funded project 2 (affiliated)
Dealing with uncertainty on anonymous online drug markets
Principal investigator: Meropi Tzanetakis
Funded by: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Lifetime: 11/2017 - 06/2021