This year's conference will be jointly hosted by the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law and the Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices in cooperation with the Research Group Security and Privacy.
Topic of YDL 2023 is ‘Bias in Law-Making. How Assumptions about Technology, Trustworthiness, and Human Agency underpin European Digital Law’. The conference aims to lay the foundations for fruitful exchange between the coming generation of scholars, within the legal discipline and beyond. The program itself reflects that future technologies and the law cannot be considered in isolation from the social conditions that shape them.
Embedded in the conference, we have the pleasure to announce a Public Roundtable in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) on ‘Open Science: legal framework and practical challenges in the digital age’.
We cordially invite you to join us onsite in Vienna and register for the conference. Scholars from all disciplines working on digital practices are welcome!