Title: CPDP2022 on Data Protection & Privacy in Transitional Times
Panel: Regulating AI in Health Research
When: 23. May 2022, 10:30
Where: Brussels (Area 42 Petite)
Max Königseder, MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep AG (CH); Richard Rak, University of Bologna (IT); Mariana Rissetto, Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna (AT); Elisabeth Steindl, Platform Governance of Digital Practices, University of Vienna (AT); Martin Urban, Data Domain Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim (GE), Moderator Tima Otu Anwana, Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna (AT)
AI systems in healthcare can help diagnose disease, prevent outbreaks, discover treatments, tailor interventions and enable Internet of Health Things devices. However, the use of AI raises questions about the proper interpretation, application and interplay of EU regulations in force (GDPR, MDR/IVDR) and new legislative initiatives (AIA, European Health Data Space). The panel will debate critical data protection and AI governance challenges regarding the development and use of AI systems in health innovation and research. The speakers will discuss regulatory and governance affairs for AI-supported medical and consumer health devices, with a particular focus on mental health applications. In addition, the discussion will address consent mechanisms, anonymization and related risk mitigation measures concerning the use of AI in healthcare and explore the possible implications of regulating AI in light of the foreseen European Health Data Space.
Read more in the accompanying blog post, published by the Department of Digitalisation and Innovation in Law, University of Vienna: https://blog-idunivienna.univie.ac.at/all-blog-entries/cpdp2022/
Full video of the panel is available on YouTube (Elisabeth's presentation starts at 22:20 min.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxWm638tqKs