The Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices together with the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law and the Research Group Security and Privacy are proud to announce that the third annual conference Young Digital Law will take place from the 5th to the 7th of July 2023 at the University of Vienna!
The conference will focus on the topic “Bias in Law-Making. How Assumptions about Technology, Trustworthiness, and Human Agency underpin European Digital Law”.
Call for Contributions
We would like to invite all young scholars and practitioners of digital law and related disciplines at the intersection with digital law to contribute to the conference in the form of:
- individual presentations (20 min +10 min Q&A),
- mixed panels (40 min + 20 min Q&A),
- interactive workshops (90 min)
Interdisciplinary approaches exploring different aspects of ‘digital law’ are welcome!
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- Which biases shape the making of digital law, and how?
- How does prevailing and upcoming legislation picture the human-machine relationship, and why?
- How do requirements for transparency, explainability, trustworthiness and human supervision translate into law and technology?
- How could law and technology reflect the trust in human oversight in a practical and innovative way?
- Why is the concept of human autonomy and agency so pivotal in Western law, and does it hold in practice?
- How can and do related disciplines, such as computer sciences,social sciences or the humanities, shape lawmaking?
- What kind of ‘bias’ is in the legislative acts and proposed drafts by the European Commission?
Deadline for submissions: 8th of January 2023.
Please send your abstract to
For details on the format click here.
Written papers are not mandatory but the publishing of the conference proceedings is being planned.