News & Events

Veranstaltung | Event

Paul Dunshirn, pre-doc at the Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices and research fellow at MARIPOLDATA, participated in the IASC 2021...

Paul Dunshirn
Veranstaltung | Event

On May 6th, 2021 the Netzpolitische Abend (#NetzPAT) was dedicated to the topic of artificial intelligence.

Katja Mayer
Publikation | Publication

Lukas Schlögl wrote a contribution (in German) about the social impacts of the pandemic on the global job market, as part of a volume published by...

Lukas Schlögl
Presse & Medien | Press & Media

Lukas Schlögl's article (in German) about why technology is a 'non-issue' in political discourse, despite its pervasive role in today's society.

Lukas Schlögl
Presse & Medien | Press & Media

Alice Vadrot's blog post about digital diplomacy in the context of COVID-19

Alice Vadrot
Publikation | Publication

The team of MARIPOLDATA published a new article in the journal Global Environmental Politics (MIT Press) on the topic of marine biodiversity...

Alice Vadrot
Publikation | Publication

Seliem El-Sayed and Barbara Prainsack wrote a commentary for the prestigious Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR).

Seliem El-Sayed, Barbara Prainsack
Presse & Medien | Press & Media

Ulrike Felt gave an interview about the role of science and evidence-based research during the current pandemic (in German language)

Ulrike Felt
Publikation | Publication

Lukas Schlögl's scientific article about the impact of the digital technology on developing countries, published in the new issue of the journal...

Lukas Schlögl